Love is blindness.

"Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that’s no matter — tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther. . . . And then one fine morning — So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past."

4 fashion blogs you must follow.

I am following a lot of blogs about music, style or photography, which are a constant source of inspiration to me. Today, I decided to share with you four of my favorite fashion blogs. I hope you will appreciate them as much as I do :)

Kristina Bazan on KAYTURE

Kristina is a 21 years old blogger from Switzerland. She started blogging only two years ago, but her website  is already a great success. Thanks to her boyfriend James, who is also her personal photographer, Kayture constantly provides great pictures and content. She has been collaborating with a lot of renown labels such as Louis Vuitton or Hugo Boss, which enabled her to travel all around the world. She shares with us beauty tips, pictures of her looks and her travels, which definitely makes her one of my favorite fashion blogs ever!

Christina Caradona on TROP ROUGE

Christina is a French blogger living in New York. I have been following her since the very beginning and the content of her blog has become always more interesting. Her style has evolved as well, and turned into something really personal, different from the looks you can find on some other blogs. She is taking part in a lot of fashion events or renown festivals such as Coachella. It seems that Christina is actually trying to move away from the stereotypes of the traditional fashion blogger : she is wearing unique pieces, shares with us her job experiences and travels in France or in the US. Discover the Enfant Terrible on Trop Rouge!


Alyssa is a young Canadian who decided to found the blog Ordinary People with her cousin Kurtis two years ago. Both are posting pictures of their looks, but Alyssa has always been the most regular one on the blog. I like her unique style as well (I must say I'm not a huge fan of the "traditional" bloggers wearing everything we see in the magazines!). Anyway, Alyssa also shares with us her inspirations, amazing photoshoots of her friends and her favorite songs of the moment. 

Margaret Zhang on SHINE BY THREE

Margaret Zhang is a young blogger from Sydney. You can follow her all around the world through Shine By Three. I must say I am really in love with her blog! She is one of the rare bloggers to really share with us her story, she always writes long articles to tell us about her travels, her professional life or her experiences in the fashion industry. I especially enjoy following her through her trips in Asia, which is the most amazing and beautiful continent to me!

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